11 Mar 2011

Laia's opinion of germany

The truth is that I didn't know many things of germany ... And with the video and more information I've learnt some traditions and more places. I like very much your christmas, because are more magicals than our Christmas!
I have some questions of your culture, as for example, which is your typical dish ?

When we will come, I would like visit Munich, and its spectaculars places! :) And for the rest, we'll be fantastic! :D

Laia Mateu.


  1. okay :P
    daaaaanke, dass freut mich total zu hören :) <3

  2. Das ist sehr süß von dir! :)
    Aber: wie schaffst du es alle Blogs aktiv zu verfolgen? liest du alle post, bzw kommentierst du auch?
    das ist doch der sinn des verfolgens, oder nicht? ;)

    Sabrina ♥ endless harmony.
