16 Mar 2011

Topics of Germany, Spain and Catalonia. Pau Nualart

Normally, topics aren't true, but we have to live with them. I know some German topics. Like, that they like a lot drinking beer but, I think that Germans are very hard-workers too. The most famous Spanish topics are: that they are lazy and that they like bullfights. There are catalan topics too. The most famous topic about catalan is that we are mean. For sure that, the topics depends on the person. I'm sure that in Spain and Germany, there are mean people, and people who like beer, and people who are lazy too.


  1. yeah Spanish people are who started saying to us that we were mean because our ways of doing things are very different. Our hard-worker stereotype contrast a lot with their lazy way of do things.
    In Catalonia between adults when someone says to another person that is a hard-worker is a flattery at the same high of saying you're a good person.
    If you spent some time living here you'll start appreciating the difference between both cultures. But obviously you'll need more than a week!

  2. ich weiß nie auf welchen Blog ichjetzt antworten soll :P
    danke, danke, danke :) das freut mich sowas zu hören. Ich werds mir mal überlegen :P vllt. mal bald
