Exchange Eggenfelden - Blanes
28 Jul 2011
Nuestras expectativas de Blanes
Katrin, Chiara y Sophia
29 Mar 2011
First of all, let's see our history.
Republic and civil war
After the electoral victory of the left in the Spanish national elections of February 1936 came the July 1936 armed insurrection that led to the Spanish Civil War. The defeat of the initial military rebellion in Catalonia placed Catalonia firmly in the Republican camp. During the war, there were two rival powers in Catalonia: the de jure power of the Generalitat and the de facto power of the armed popular militias. Violent confrontations between the workers' parties culminated in the defeat of the CNT-FAI and POUM, against whom the PSUC unleashed strong repression. The local situation resolved itself progressively in favor of the Generalitat, but at the same time the Generalitat was losing its autonomous power within republican Spain.
The military forces of the Generalitat were concentrated on two fronts: Aragon and Majorca. The latter was an utter disaster. The Aragon front resisted firmly until 1937, when the occupation of Lérida and Balaguer destabilized it. Finally, Franco's troops broke the republican territory in two by occupying Vinaròs, isolating Catalonia from the rest of republican Spain. The defeat of the Republican armies in the Battle of the Ebro led in 1938 and 1939 to the occupation of Catalonia by Franco's forces, who abolished Catalan autonomy and brought in a dictatorial regime, which took strong measures against Catalan nationalism and Catalan culture. Only forty years later, after Franco's death (1975) and the adoption of a democratic constitution in Spain (1978), did Catalonia recover its autonomy and reconstitute the Generalitat (1979).
Franco's dictatorship
As in the rest of Spain, the Franco era (1939–1975) in Catalonia saw the annulment of democratic liberties, the prohibition and persecution of parties, the rise of thoroughgoing censorship, and the banning of all leftist institutions. In Catalonia, it also meant the annulment of the statute of autonomy, the banning of many specifically Catalan institutions, and the complete suppression of the Catalan-language press, although the publication of Catalan books was allowed from 1941. During the first years, all resistance was energetically suppressed, the prisons filled up with political prisoners, and thousands of Catalans went into exile. In addition, 4000 Catalans were executed between 1938 and 1953, among them the former president of the Generalitat Lluís Companys i Jover.
Here you've got another video about Catalonia :)
And now i'm going to explain some things about La Costa Brava.
The Costa Brava is a coastal region of northeastern Catalonia,in the comarques of Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà and Selva, in the province of Girona. Costa is the Catalan and Spanish word for 'coast', and Brava means 'rugged' or 'wild'. The Costa Brava stretches from Blanes, 60 km northeast of Barcelona, to the French border.
Small towns like Cadaqués, which is close to the French border and close to the foothills of the Pyrenees, have attracted artists, such as Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso. The Dalí Theatre and Museum in Figueres is one of the most important and visited museums in Catalonia. One can also visit Dalí's House-Museum in Port Lligat, near Cadaqués and the Castle of Púbol in Púbol. The coast between Roses and Tossa de Mar has many delightful small coastal towns
Here you've got two videos, the first one is about Tourism in Blanes
.......and the second one is about La Costa Brava.
The castles are the human towers that build traditionally, since does more than two hundred years ('n find references already to the century XVIII), to the Countryside of Tarragona, and that afterwards extended to the Penedès, , and during the century XX for all Catalonia, north Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, especially from the years 80. A casteller is a person that forms part of a ‘’colla castellera’’, where take part tens or hundreds of people with l'aim of raising different human buildings, with no mechanical help, of diverse complexity and that have reached to have until ten flats of high. Since the 16 of November of 2010 the castles are Immaterial Cultural Heritage of the Mankind for the UNESCO .
In the ancient ‘’Dance of the Valencian’’, one of the that realized in the surroundings of the religious processions. These dances ended with a figure constituted by the raising of a human buildin.
Here i leave a video in German about ''Els Castellers''. You obviously be able to understand it better than me :D
Any questions... you know i'll be here, so..just ask! ^^
Laia , Sophia's partner
16 Mar 2011
Topics of Germany, Spain and Catalonia. Pau Nualart
13 Mar 2011
My Opinion...
Have a nice week ;D
Miquel R.A.
Fantastic Deutschland

Greetings to everyone !!! Now, I'm going to explain a little bit my opinion about this fantastic country, Germany. I know a lot of things about it, because I have read a lot and I have some friends which live there. The three best qualities of this country for me are : it is very traditional, the people is very friendly and there are fantastic places to visit and beautiful landscapes to contemplate. The most important traditions of Germany are the fairs, "kirschweig", the carnivals, the wine festivals, the christmas market, drinking beer, following the football and the music. There are also a lot of local festival which are typical for each city such as the Berlin Marathon or the most important, celebrated in Munich, the Oktoberfest, an enormous festivals with fairs, beer, music and tradition. The football has always been very important to the people as in England is. Most of the classic composers have been German, so, behind Austria, is the country of the music. I have always wanted to visit Germany, and my favourite attractives of this country are: visiting the Neuschwanstein castle, an imponent castle in the Black Forest, swinging in a carousel in the Oktoberfest, going to the Allianz Arena, home of Bayern München F.C., standing below the Branderburgen Tor, going to the Reischtag , skiing at Garmisch-Panterkirchen and contemplating the Rhine from a castle in the sorrounds.
12 Mar 2011

I have never been in Germany but I have listened the topics for exsample the beer i hate it but as Laia Puig Has said this are only a topic!!
The frankufurts are one of my typical diush so, i hope that here in Germany I can eat the original !!!
Other things, but spanish things, the topics here are "botellón", "fiestas" or something like these but I don't think so.
Maybe the Germany teenagers are like Spanish teenagers.
I would like know more things about your favorite football team I only know " Bayern München"!!
So I want go to Eggenfelden I am really impatient!!!!
Júlia Gerez Brunet lena stumpf's Partner!!
Pau's opinion about German
How I see Germany & Germans :D
Germans have enthusiasm for summer barbecues and model railway sets. There also say that is possibly typical school dances and a concern for good etiquette. As Naila comment, there's also the Oktoberfest, that consist in drinking beer, but it was originally a horse-race. I found an opinion from how Bavarian people drink(i find it quite strange but anyway i put it here):
1.At the Oktoberfest at least, beer is a breakfast drink, more nutritious(claims the Bavarian) than muesli.
2.Faster than the Englishman, after the second drink, he feels the need to tell jokes to strangers.
3.The mood changes: he starts to complain about the Saupreiss"n (almost anybody north of Mainz) and the Sozis.
4.After the third litre the Bavarian becomes sentimental, feeling the urge to telephone his wife. Sometimes they argue, and he cries, alternating it with loud speeches praising the virtues of his wife.
5.It would be good to go home but he feels... sooo sleepy
There are also different dialects in Germany, as Bavarian, Saxon and Berlinish.
It's also a topic that German males are cars fanatics.
It also exist the “Bildungsbürger” that it's like the “middle class intellectual”. You can find them everywhere. In the theatre, mid-week, when no Englishman leaves his television set, you can hear serious analysis during the break. Because the German is not ashamed to be serious. And because theatres and opera houses are so well organised that you have time to talk, rather than fight for a glass of wine and a bretzel.
In that blog there are more things, but i'm not going to put all here.
I really want to know how Bavarians are, they traditions and behavior. And i also expected to have fun, meet people and discover new things.
typical german - naila
I've not heard many things about German but I know that in Germany is typical the sausages and frankfurts, I think that frankfurts are very tasty...
My exchange partner told me that in spring there is a holiday week called Gerner Dult, and the traditional dress is the Dirndel! And that on Christmas there is a market called Weihnaschtsmarkt.
In the video there aren't many things about German because it's not very long, but I'll know more things when I go to Germany :D
Ann's personal opinion.
The vidio is really good because in 3 minutes we can take a good idea of Germany. I think that the traditions are different between Spain and Germany so the truth is that i'm really nervious to meet Germany; and know the traditions, and the traditions that the young people do.
In the vidio I can see a beautiful building in Berlín so I think that we can study a lot of things: buildings, traditions, important places, museums ...
And if we go to Salsburg I think that we can learn more things about the music's stars(Mozart, Haydn...)
So we will draw a great deal from this trip!
11 Mar 2011
Mireia's personal opinion
Laura's opinion about Germany
Laia's opinion of germany
Sofia's opinion about German
Att: Sofiia*