31 Dec 2010

My holidays

On 22th December I went to my school, to watch "Els Pastorets" a typical play in Catalunya, that it's about the Nativity of Jesus.

On 24th December I stayed at home and we did "El tió" I had dinner with

my mother, father, sister and two of my three aunts.

On Christmas I stayed at home too and I have lunch with the same people, less my sister.

On 26th December I went to my aunt's house with my three aunts, my cousin, my oncle, my father, my mother, my sister, my sister's boyfriend and my aunt's dogs! We had lunch and from 27th to 30th I went to an excursion with the boy scouts.

I'm having a great holidays and I hope you too.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

28 Dec 2010

I'm Alejandro, I celebrate christmas time but I suppose different and in Germany do. At home we put a Christmas tree with lights and we make the "Pessebre" that is the cave with the characters of Jesus's birth. At 24th december night we eat a delicious meal and we go to bed late. We don't celebrate the "Tió". In Christmas morning we give a present to each other, for instants, i make a present for my mother, an other for my father and an other for my brother and i receive three presents. Then we go for a walk in family. At 31st night we eat 12 grapes according to chimes and we celebrate new year. Then in 6th of december we don't celebrate reis because we always go on holidays around this dates and we ski a lot. We need to go away in the mountains where there is snow because here isn't and we think winter without snow isn't winter.
Now I'm going to explain a bit Christmas traditions in Catalonia:
- El Tió: It is a wooden log with a drawn face , four little logs as legs and covered with a barretina, a hat typical in Catalonia and a squared blanket. People feed it with orange and mandarin peel for example, is the most typical. At 24th night they hit it with sticks while they sing the song and then they take out the blanket and there are presents inside.
- El Pesebre: It is a model of the stable where Jesus was born. People put there the figures of all the characters present there: Jesus, his parents, the three kings, the pastors, the angels and the animals.
-Els Reis: They are, according to the tradition the three men that gave presents to Jesus in his birth. At 5th January evening they ride around the town in their floats. The tradition is that at night they come to each house and they leave the presents that children ordered in letters. But they only give presents to children which have behaven. They give coal to children which haven't behaven.

21 Dec 2010

Navidad / La corona de Adviento

En mi familia celebran navidad casi como los otros.... así que no quiero escribir lo mismo...
Pero voy a completar este:
Aquí en alemania el 25 y el 26 de diciembre son días fesitvos también. Paso estos con mis abuelos o en casa.

Ahora algo sobre la corona de adviento: (Podéis ver la de mi familia en la photo)
Sophia ya ha contado... Tiene 4 velas, y encendemos la primera el domingo 4 semanas hace navidad. En navidad todos las velas arden... Adornamos la corona de adviento con, por ejemplo barras de canela, naranjas curadas y cosas parecido a las con que adornamos el arbol de navidad. ;-)

Feliz Navidad a todos


Navidad en Alemania!

Celebro Navidad el 24 de Diciembre por la tarde con mi familia.
Primero voy a la iglesia porque es típico en Alemania. Después comemos juntos y recibimos los regalos.
Típico en Alemania es un árbol de Navidad y los regalos están debajo del árbol.
Una cosa que también es típica es la corona de Adviento. Hay cuatro velas en corona y todos los cuatro domingos antes de Navidad encendemos una vela.

Sophia, Laia's Exchange Partner :-)

Navidad en Baviera!

celebro Navidad el 24 de Diciembre por la tarde con mi familia y con mis abuelos. Primero vamos a la iglesia, después revibimos los regalos. Como con mi familia y con mis abuelos. Típico en Alemania es comida de navidad. El 25 de Diciembre visitamos a mi tío y mi tía.
Tenemos un bélen y una corona de Adviento. En un bélen hay unos pastores, tres Santos Reyes, Ovejas y la Santa Familia.
En el Adviento hay muchos mercados Adviento.



Celebro Navidad el 24 de diciembre con mis padres. Por la tarde actuo en una presentación de teatro en una obra que se llama ,,Nussknacker". Después voy a la iglesia con mi madre mientras mi padre pone los regalos debajo del árbol de navidad. Entoncescomemos juntos y luego tenemos los regalos que se encuentran por debajo del árbol de Navidad.
En er 25 de diviembre voy a ver a mi abuelo y comer allí con mis tíos y tías y primos y después los ninos reciben regalos otra vez de sus tíos y tiás.

Típica de Alemania son los mercadillos de Navidid y deliosas galletas que so hacen específicamente para la Navidad.

Chiara Coppola


Celebramos Navidad el 24 de diciembre. Primero voy a la iglesia con mi familia, después visitamos a mi abuela para comer algo. Por la tarde recibimos los regalos debajo del árbol en la casa de mi abuela. Entonces no quedamos un rato y algún tiempo después vamos felizamente a casa.
Los otros diás de fiesta vienen todos mis tías, tíos, primos... toda mi familia para comer algo. En general es muy divertido.
Típico de Navidad en Alemania para mi son los mercadillos de Navidad y la nieve.

Feliz Navidad, Katrin

Navidad en mi casa!!!

El 24 de diciembre
17.00 Mis abuelos,mi tía y sus hijos llegan.
18.00 Comida!
19.00 Vamos al salón para abrir los regalos.Entonces escuchamos música y descansamos un poco.A veces, mis hermanos presentan una canción o otras cosas.Esto les gusta mucho a mis abuelos. ;D

20 Dec 2010

That's the ''tió''. It's a wood trunk that in ancient times people use it to put it in a fireplace and presents were the light and the heat that it gives to us. Actually, that trunk ( el tió) is decorated adding wood legs, elements that pretent to be a smiling face and a red ''barretina''. You must hit it repeatedly with a stick and at the same time you should sing a traditional song at Christmas' day at night. The 8th of December, people start feeding the Tió that normally likes vegetables. You should cover it with a blanket because that way it wouldn't feel so cold at night. It produces presents for the children and the family, but when it's not going to give you anything more, it appear garlic or onion. That means the night is finsih and you're not going to have more presents until ''Els Reis'' (that's another Catalan Christmas' tradition). In some towns people put a Tió, maybe in the main square, and all the children goes there to hit it at the same time.
So that can sound a little strange, but when you're a child it's amazing!

See you soon,

Laia, Sophia's partner! :)

19 Dec 2010

here you can see one photo of the "caganer" it's really funny!!!
It's very typical here people put them in their "pessebre" because it gives good luck!!
In Catalunya we've very strange or bizarre traditions related to Christmas.

For example we have "El caganer" and "el tió"

I suggest to our pupils in Blanes to explain (adding photos too) more about these traditions and others.

See you!
This should be snow!
But I don't remember seeing yellow and blue snow!

15 Dec 2010

Navidad en Alemania

Como ya habéis visto hay mucha nieve en Alemania. Ya estamos preparados para Navidad. Y vosotros?
Aquí podéis ver decoración típica del árbol de Navidad (del ano pasado; todavía no tengo árbol): dulces y un pequeno trineo con regalos.

Cómo celebráis Navidad en vuestra familia, en vuestra ciudad? Hay algo típico?

12 Dec 2010

friend's view

This photo is been taken from a friend's house. In it you can see the center street and the christmas lights. We hope you like!

by sofia and naila <3

8 Dec 2010

7 Dec 2010

This is the view from our terrace. You can see a part of our garden and the house from our neighbour.

And this is what you can see from our living room.

Hey :)
That´s the view out of my room window
Chiara (Neus´s exchangepartner)

My view :)

This is the view of my house. You can see the garden of our neighbour with many trees :)

our view

My view :)

Hi guys!
I'm Lisa, Nailas exchange partner.Well, this is what you can see from my window in winter. You can see our garden and the houses of our neighbours...
Our house is just two minutes away from school, so you can sleep verry long in the morning :)
I' looking foreward to meet you all!
Bye! <3

My views!

I'm Sofia, Lena's partner.
In the first photo you can see the playground of school. You can see a car park too. Behind the trees there is a part of a campsite, in summer there are music.
In the second photo you can see the views from my bedroom's windows.
See you soon!

6 Dec 2010

snow everywhere!

This is, what you can see from my room. I took this photo at the evening, but I think you can see everything...
It's a little part of our garden and the house of our neighbour. At this moment it was snowing :)
See you soon, Sophia - Laia's exchange partner

4 Dec 2010

Hi, I'm Anna.

As you can see, I haven't got an impressionable views. But my house is in the center of town and I think that is an advantage.

My neighborhood is quiet and is near to the beach and the school.

In the second photo you can see on my street, people celebrating a traditional festival where people throw the firecrackers... (This festival only celebrate on time a year).

I'm really happy to do the exchange.

One kiss,


my views :)

This is what I can see from my balcony.
There are just some buildings, but in the photo, I think the sky was really beautiful.
From my bedroom window, the view is the same. When I was younger I could see Sant Joan castle, but now because of those buildings I can't see that.

naila :)

3 Dec 2010

from my house

this is a part of te view that i can see in my balcony.as you can see i live inthe mountain,but tere are more houses in my neighborhood tha you can see.

My window's view

This is my bedroom's view. In this picture you can see that my house is in a residencial zone. My nieghborhood is very big.
I live in high part of my town.
At the far end you can see "Sant Joan" a watchtower .

See you soon.

                 In this photo, you can see the vews
                                                    of my terrace.
           And in this one, the terrace of behind.

My vews!

I can see this landscape from my house,specifically from my terrace. You can contemplate the Sant Joan's castle.

I have some differents views. The second picture it's from my room. Since my room, I can see Laura's house!

2 Dec 2010

My views

Well here you can see the view from my room, there is a litlle camp without acces, a building in construction, and there is a big park where you can practice football and basketball behind the small school that you can see on the bottom, but it doesn't seem to be a school.

See you.


This is what you can see when you look out of my room. I took this photo on saturday morning, because the night before it snowed the first time this year!

This is the view from my bedroom, it is a slope of St. John hill. You'll probably say, it's the same photo as Julia's. Yes, it is because we are neighbours, we live beside.This slope has no use, so weeds grow there, so every year, some men come and cut it.

1 Dec 2010

This are my view, i'ts great really??

That´s what you can see from my window

This is a picture out of my window. It was made a few days ago... that night it snowed for the first time of the year.